Exploring Diverse Meditation Practices

Two large Gongs

It is not one size fits all to developing mindfulness or meditating. There are so many diverse meditation practices that offer ways to build more self-awareness beyond just sitting still on the floor in Lotus position

Granted, it would be great to be someone who effortlessly sits in lotus position, meditating for an hour. But that is not who I am, and I’m guessing you might not be either. So, I’ve found ways to add mindfulness to my daily routine, even if it’s just for a few minutes at a time. I focus on my breath and clear my mind during simple activities like getting ready for work, eating my lunch, walking my dog, waiting in line, or simply walking down the hall to the elevator.  There are so many opportunities available in our days to embrace mindfulness, and for now, this is my most authentic approach, and I’m happy with it. But when I have more time, I love to explore other modalities that promote self-awareness, relaxation, a quieter mind, liberation from relentless thoughts, and if they are fun and boost my well-being, that’s a win. Here are nine practices that offer other ways to encourage more mindfulness and are not about sitting and focusing on your breath.

1. Chanting Meditation

Chanting meditation involves the repetition of sacred chants or hymns from religious or spiritual traditions. The rhythmic and melodic nature of chanting can help quiet the mind, induce relaxation, and foster a sense of unity with a higher power. Whether it’s the “Om” mantra from Hinduism or the “Amen” from Christianity, chanting can provide a profound spiritual experience and a deep sense of peace.

2. Crystal Bowl Meditation

2 different size crystal bowls with a person holding a mallet on the sides of each bowl.

Crystal bowl meditation utilizes the power of sound and vibration to facilitate a meditative state. Practitioners often use crystal singing bowls that produce soothing, resonant tones when played. The vibrations permeate your body as the bowls are played, helping you relax and enter deep meditation. The harmonious sounds can also have healing effects on the mind and body.

3. Dynamic Meditation

Dynamic meditation is a more active form of meditation that involves physical movement. Osho, a spiritual teacher, developed it. This practice includes vigorous breathing, jumping, and cathartic expression to release pent-up emotions and tension. Dynamic meditation eventually leads to stillness and inner peace by expelling negativity and stress through physical action.

4. Fire Kasina Meditation

Candle flame

Fire kasina meditation is a technique in which the practitioner focuses their attention on a candle flame or another source of fire. This concentrated attention helps develop concentration and insight. The flickering flame symbolizes transformation and impermanence, guiding the practitioner toward a deeper understanding of the self and the world.

5. Holotropic Breathwork

Holotropic breathwork is a powerful breathing technique that induces altered states of consciousness. Developed by Dr. Stanislav Grof, this method involves controlled, deep breathing to access hidden emotions and memories. It can lead to profound experiences of self-discovery, emotional release, and healing as it helps individuals explore the depths of their psyche.

6. Laughing Meditation

Laughter is often called the best medicine, and laughing meditation harnesses its healing power. This practice involves spontaneous laughter and laughter exercises to reduce stress, boost mood, and increase the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Through laughter, you can lighten your emotional load and connect with joy.

7. Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation involves repeating a sacred word or phrase, known as a mantra, to calm the mind and access higher states of consciousness. Mantras can be specific to a spiritual tradition or chosen personally for their meaning or resonance. The repetition of the mantra serves as a focal point, allowing the practitioner to transcend everyday thoughts and find inner stillness.

8. Sound Bath Meditation

a couple lying on the floor under blankets, surrounded by singing bowls on or near them, and a person holding a gong with a mallet

Sound bath meditation is a passive meditation practice in which participants lie down while a facilitator plays various instruments, such as gongs, singing bowls, and tuning forks. The vibrations produced by these instruments create a therapeutic and deeply relaxing experience. Sound bath meditation can help alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, and promote physical and emotional healing.

9. Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is a mindful practice that involves walking slowly and deliberately while paying full attention to each step. Often done in a specific pattern or along a designated path, this practice enhances awareness, presence, and a deep connection with the environment. Walking meditation can be especially beneficial for those who struggle to sit still for extended periods.

Mindful Exploration

These unique meditation practices offer the ability to explore diverse meditation practices and avenues to inner peace, self-discovery, and holistic well-being. Find a method that resonates with your needs and preferences and give it a go. Embrace the diversity of meditation techniques, and let them guide you on a transformative journey towards a more centered and harmonious life.

Mindful Doodling: Drawing Your Way to Inner Peace

Hand with green pen doodling on a top spiral notebook, engaging in mindful doodling

In our world filled with distractions and stressors, finding moments of calm and serenity can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack. Although Meditation has long been considered a powerful tool for cultivating mindfulness and reducing stress, for many of us, it can be a challenging practice to engage with, let alone master. But what about Mindful Doodling – a creative and accessible way to achieve the same sense of peace and presence through the strokes and patterns of a simple drawing? Let’s explore the art of mindful doodling, its benefits, and how you can start incorporating it into your daily routine.

The Power of Mindful Doodling

Mindful Doodling, as the name suggests, is the practice of combining doodling with mindfulness. It involves drawing simple shapes, patterns, or designs while maintaining a present and non-judgmental awareness of each stroke. This seemingly simple activity can have profound effects on your mental well-being. Here’s why it works:

Stress Reduction – Mindful doodling can serve as a mental escape from the pressures of daily life. When you immerse yourself in the process, your mind can let go of worries and focus solely on the creative act.
Enhanced Concentration – Just like traditional Meditation, doodling requires concentration. By honing your focus on the patterns you create, you can also improve your ability to concentrate in other areas of life.
Emotional Regulation –The rhythmic, repetitive nature of doodling can help regulate your emotions. It can be especially beneficial when dealing with anxiety, anger, or sadness, providing a healthy outlet for self-expression.
Increased Creativity – Mindful doodling encourages you to tap into your creative side. It allows you to experiment with colors, shapes, and patterns, which can help you think more creatively in other aspects of your life.

Getting Started with Mindful Doodling

Now that you understand some of the benefits of mindful doodling, here’s how you can start incorporating it into your daily routine:

Gather Your Supplies -All you need to begin mindful doodling is a piece of paper and some drawing materials. You can use anything from a simple pen or pencil to colored markers or pencils.
Create a Calm Environment -Find a quiet and comfortable space to work without interruptions. You might want to play some soothing music in the background if it helps you relax.
Start with Simple Shapes – Begin by drawing basic shapes or patterns. Circles, squares, triangles, and spirals are great starting points. The key is to keep it simple and let your creativity flow.
Focus on the Process -As you doodle, pay close attention to the sensation of drawing. Feel the movement of your hand and the texture of the paper. Observe how each stroke adds to the overall design.
Let Go of Perfection – Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to doodle mindfully. Don’t worry about creating a masterpiece. It’s all about the process, not the outcome.
Set Aside Time – Dedicate a specific time each day or week for mindful doodling. Consistency will help you reap the full benefits of this practice.

Mindful Doodling Ideas

Designing your own is often an excellent decision, but if you’re finding it challenging to get started, there are plenty of ready-made options to help you begin a new practice. Here are some suggestions to help you begin your doodling practice.

Zentangle Patterns – Zentangles are a popular form of mindful doodling that involves creating intricate, repetitive patterns within defined spaces. You can start with simple patterns like “paisley,” “floral,” or “herringbone.”
MandalasMandalas are circular designs that can be as simple or intricate as you like. Begin with a central point and radiate outward, adding shapes and patterns as you go.
Nature-inspired Doodles – Draw simple natural elements like leaves, flowers, or seashells. Experiment with different shapes and arrangements to create your own botanical-inspired patterns.
Geometric Shapes – Start with basic geometric shapes like squares, triangles, or hexagons. Fill them in with patterns or repeat the shapes in a symmetrical or random arrangement.
Abstract Doodles – Let your creativity run wild with abstract doodles. These can be completely freeform and spontaneous. Focus on the flow of your hand as it moves across the paper.
Patterned Borders – Create decorative borders for cards, notes, or artwork. These can be as simple as a row of hearts, stars, or swirls, or you can combine multiple patterns for a unique border.

Mindful doodling is a simple yet powerful way to introduce mindfulness and relaxation into your daily life. The key to mindful doodling is to enjoy the process without worrying about the result. Allowing your mind to focus on the strokes and patterns created on paper, you can experience the many benefits of Meditation without the need for lengthy sessions or extensive training.
Let your intuition guide you, and don’t be afraid to explore different shapes, patterns, and colors. Over time, you’ll develop your style of mindful doodling that brings you a sense of inner peace and creativity.
So, the next time you feel stressed or overwhelmed, pick up a pen and start doodling your way to inner peace and tranquility. Your mind will thank you for it!

Nurturing Young Minds: Benefits of Mindfulness for Kids

Young female child smiling and looking up as fall leaves fall around her. Nurturing mindfulness


Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware of our thoughts, emotions, and surroundings in the moment without judgment. It involves paying attention to our experiences without getting caught up in worries about the past or anxieties about the future.
While mindfulness has gained popularity among adults for its stress-reducing and focus-enhancing effects, it also offers a range of remarkable benefits for Children.

Benefits of Mindfulness for Kids

Introducing mindfulness techniques to Kids can help them develop essential life skills crucial for their emotional well-being and overall growth. These skills lay the foundation for improved emotional regulation, self-awareness, empathy, and calmness, setting the stage for a brighter and more balanced future. Beyond these foundational advantages, children can reap a multitude of other benefits through mindfulness practice:

1. Focus and Attention – Enhances concentration for school and activities.
2. Stress Reduction – Manages stress, reduces anxiety, and promotes calmness.
3. Self-Esteem – Foster’s self-acceptance and positive self-image.
4. Emotional Regulation – Develops resilience in handling emotions.
5. Empowerment – Enables thoughtful decision-making and problem-solving.
6. Empathy – Deepens understanding of feelings and improves relationships.
7. Sleep Patterns – Enhances sleep quality through relaxation techniques.
8. Cognitive Skills – Improves memory, creativity, and critical thinking.
9. Reduced Impulsivity- Encourages considering consequences.
10. Classroom Dynamics – Enhances respect, attentiveness, and understanding.
11. Resilience Building – Cultivates adaptability in facing challenges.
12. Long-Term Well-being – Establishes a foundation for emotional intelligence.
13. Family Bonding – Strengthens parent-child relationships.

Challenges of Introducing Mindfulness to Kids

Introducing mindfulness to kids poses challenges beyond their natural distractions. Limited attention spans, and abstract concept understanding add to the complexity. Overcoming this requires blending mindfulness with their interests.
Some may adopt mindfulness swiftly, while others need time, so adapting to each child’s pace is key.  By making mindfulness enjoyable and part of their routine, parents and educators can instill a valuable skill, fostering emotional well-being and focus.

Mindful Breathing Games

Mindful breathing games offer a range of benefits for kids that promote their emotional well-being, cognitive development, and overall mental health. These games are designed to help children learn and practice mindfulness, which involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment.

Mindsight ‘Breathing Buddha’ Guided Visual Meditation – an enchanting way to introduce children to the power of mindfulness through a calming breathing exercise. This tool is designed to help kids slow down their breathing, ease stress, and alleviate anxiety in an engaging manner.

Mindful Breathing Buddy – Have the child lie down comfortably and place a stuffed animal or a small object on their belly. Ask them to take slow, deep breaths, noticing how the object rises and falls with each inhale and exhale.

Bee Breathing – Instruct the child to take a deep breath in, then make a humming sound like a bee as they exhale slowly. This playful technique helps children practice controlled breathing and brings their attention to their breath and vocalization.

Bubble Breaths – Provide the child with a bottle of bubbles. Have them take a deep breath and blow out slowly through the bubble wand to create bubbles.

A woman and a young female child are sitting on a leave covered ground with bubbles floating around. Nurturing mindfulness

Nurturing Mindfulness in Kids: Stories, Activities, and Tech Integration

Storytelling Stories demonstrating characters using mindfulness techniques during challenges can resonate well. Imagine a story where a young character employs deep breathing to bravely confront a mythical creature, making mindfulness practical and relatable.

Five Senses Activity – Encourage the child to name five things they can see, four things they can touch, three things they can hear, two things they can smell, and one thing they can taste. This activity helps them engage their senses and be present in the moment.

Mindful Listening Walk – Go outdoors and ask the child to listen attentively to the sounds around them—birds chirping, leaves rustling, cars passing by. After the walk, discuss what they heard and how it made them feel.

Body Scan for Kids –Guide the child through a body scan, where they pay attention to each part of their body, starting from their toes and moving up to their head. This helps them become aware of bodily sensations and promotes relaxation.

Mindful Coloring – Give the child a coloring book and crayons. Encourage them to color mindfully, paying attention to the movement of their hand, the colors they choose, and the feel of the crayons on the paper.

Gratitude Journal – Have the child keep a gratitude journal where they write down three things they are thankful for daily. This practice fosters a positive outlook and helps them appreciate the present moment.

Mindful Eating – Choose a small snack, like a raisin or fruit. Encourage the child to explore the food with all their senses before taking a bite. Discuss the taste, texture, and smell of the food.

Calm Down Jar – Create or buy a “calm down” jar by filling a clear container with water and glitter. When the child feels upset or anxious, they can shake the jar and watch the glitter settle as they take slow breaths, helping them find inner calm.

Young male child  holding a clear glass container that is filled with water and glitter and he is watching the glitter move in the glass. Nurturing mindfulness

Leveraging technology – Mindful gaming apps integrate relaxation exercises into interactive experiences. These tools merge mindfulness with screen time in an engaging manner.

At the end of the day, Mindfulness shines as a true gem in nurturing young minds. Beyond stress relief, it improves kids’ focus, empathy, and emotional strength. Sure, there might be hurdles, but by matching mindfulness with their interests, we set them up for success. The exploration of playful mindfulness games and immersive activities isn’t just about techniques; it’s about igniting a spark.

Mindfulness is a precious present we hand to the future generation, nurturing awareness and resilience. By embracing mindfulness today, we’re empowering our children to create a future that’s balanced, full of kindness, and overflowing with well-being.

Share Your Mindfulness Story!

We believe that stories have the power to inspire and connect us. Do you have a personal experience or a story about how mindfulness has impacted a child’s life? Perhaps you’ve witnessed the transformation of a young mind as they discovered the benefits of being present and aware.

We’d love to hear your anecdotes, insights, and moments of growth.

By sharing your story, you’re helping others realize the potential of mindfulness for kids. Your words could encourage someone to embark on this enriching journey with their own children or students. Your story matters, and it can make a difference.

Fun & Mindfulness: A Dynamic Duo on the Journey

Discover the Power of Mindfulness through Play and Joy
Contrary to common belief, mindfulness doesn’t require a stern demeanor or formalities—it’s about delighting in the beauty of the present moment without judgment and even having fun while you engage in it. Yes, having fun! It’s a natural gift that young children possess before the complexities of life take hold.

Engage Your Senses: Coloring, Nature Walks, Gardening & More

Mindful Coloring
Explore the calming and therapeutic world of mindful coloring. As you carefully fill intricate patterns with your favorite colors, you’ll experience a sense of tranquility. Engage in the meditative process of coloring and creativity, quieting the inner chatter and embracing relaxation.
Mindful Walking or Nature Strolls
Experience mindful walks and strolls in nature. Feel the earth beneath your feet and take in the sights and sounds—the gentle breeze, rustling leaves, and fragrant flowers. Connecting with nature keeps you present and fosters a deep appreciation for its beauty.
Mindful Gardening
As you dig your hands into the rich soil, embrace the sensations, scents, and textures of the plants and earth. Through mindful gardening, you cultivate not just your garden but also a deep sense of gratitude for the interconnectedness of all living beings.
Savor Every Bite
Elevate your dining experience by savoring each bite mindfully. Observe the colors, textures, and aromas of your food before indulging. Chew slowly, relish the flavors, and be fully present with every mouthful.
Harmonize Your Mind Through Music
Find mindfulness through the enchanting power of music. Pick resonant melodies and fully immerse yourself in their rhythms and harmonies. Let the music wash over you, evoking emotions without judgment. Embrace the symphony of sounds to discover tranquility and serenity within.
Unleash Your Inner Writer
Explore the profound world of mindful journaling, where you can freely delve into your thoughts and emotions. Experience the pen gliding across the paper, connecting you to your innermost self. Reflect, express gratitude, and set intentions for the day ahead. Journaling brings clarity and self-awareness, becoming a gateway to mindfulness and self-expression.
Laughter Meditation
Discover the power of laughter meditation, a rejuvenating practice that immerses you in joy and amusement, centering your mind and inducing deep relaxation. Embrace laughter as a potent tool in your mindfulness practice, leading you to blissful tranquility.
Playful Games for Mindfulness
Engage in a playful breathing exercise or other games to infuse mindfulness into your daily routine. Discover the “S.T.O.P” technique to find composure and clarity amidst stress:

– S: Stop what you’re doing.

– T: Take a deep breath and tune into your breath.

– O: Observe your thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations without judgment.

– P: Proceed with a mindful intention, choosing how to respond to the situation.

In addition to Breathing games, other games are crafted to foster mindfulness, allowing you to embrace and nurture it effortlessly. These delightful games have been designed with accessibility and user-friendliness in mind, offering an interactive and playful approach to strengthening your connection with the present moment. By immersing yourself in these engaging activities, you’ll be encouraged to concentrate on your breath, savoring the subtle sensations that arise with each inhalation and exhalation. These games are excellent tools for promoting relaxation and effectively reducing stress levels.

With joy as your guide, let mindfulness be your delightful companion on this enchanting journey of self-discovery. Embrace these playful techniques to elevate your awareness, reduce stress, and enrich your well-being. Mindfulness, a tapestry of delight and personal growth, will be your steadfast ally as you navigate life’s ever-unfolding wonder.